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· 4 min read
Lauren Craigie

Hello there,

Do you remember? The 21st day of September? 🎶 Course you do it was two days ago. Well that's a win in your bucket and the day's barely begun! So let's get a win for someone else -- like Jeremy Cohen, the dbt Core product manager.

I'm sure you know that half of the updates in this email are pushed automatically when we upgrade everyone to the latest version of dbt Cloud 🚀

But did you know the other half requires you (or your account admin) to actively switch to the latest version of dbt Core? 😱 If this isn't happening regularly (how-to video here), you may miss out on major improvements to performance, stability, and speed.

Give Jeremy a win and check out the blog he just posted on why this matters even more leading up to 💥dbt v1.0💥. While we're throwing W's, don't forget to also register for his talk at Coalesce now!

· 8 min read
Amy Chen

At dbt Labs, as more folks adopt dbt, we have started to see more and more use cases that push the boundaries of our established best practices. This is especially true to those adopting dbt in the enterprise space.

After two years of helping companies from 20-10,000+ employees implement dbt & dbt Cloud, the below is my best attempt to answer the question: “Should I have one repository for my dbt project or many?” Alternative title: “To mono-repo or not to mono-repo, that is the question!”

· 9 min read
Amy Chen
More up-to-date information available

Since this blog post was first published, many data platforms have added support for materialized views, which are a superior way to achieve the goals outlined here. We recommend them over the below approach.

Before I dive into how to create this, I have to say this. You probably don’t need this. I, along with my other Fishtown colleagues, have spent countless hours working with clients that ask for near-real-time streaming data. However, when we start digging into the project, it is often realized that the use case is not there. There are a variety of reasons why near real-time streaming is not a good fit. Two key ones are:

  1. The source data isn’t updating frequently enough.
  2. End users aren’t looking at the data often enough.

So when presented with a near-real-time modeling request, I (and you as well!) have to be cynical.

· 10 min read
Amy Chen
Dave Connors

If you’ve been using dbt for over a year, your project is out-of-date. This is natural.

New functionalities have been released. Warehouses change. Best practices are updated. Over the last year, I and others on the Fishtown Analytics (now dbt Labs!) team have conducted seven audits for clients who have been using dbt for a minimum of 2 months.